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"Away Games" -- Las Vegas, March 2010

Bob's first royal of the trip, while playing 5 play DDB
Shar's dollar progressive royal for $4401 !!!
Not on a Double Double !!
Bob's first quad of the trip, first machine I played...
Bob's first Aces kicker of the trip, on D8
Bob's first ever non-quarter royal, playing SDB in the alcove Bob's first ever DEALT royal, third royal of the trip
Hard to see, but one bonus spin hit for $273.00 on a 50 cent penny bet
Aces kicker on A5 very late at night, second of trip
Aces kicker on 50 cents for a cool grand... third aces kicker of trip
50 cent throw away Jacks on SDB !!



phone: 410-610-2534   email: shar@sharonmunro.com   8339 Bay Crest Ct.   Chesapeake Beach, MD 20732

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